Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Marathon Reminder 2009 Sci-Fi Channel

One of television's most rightly revered series, The Twilight Zone (CBS, 1959-64) stands as the role model for TV anthologies. Its trenchant sci-fi/fantasy parables explore humanity's hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional drama cannot.

Creator Rod Serling wrote the majority of the scripts, and produced those of such now-legendary writers as Richard Matheson and Charles Beaumont. The series featured such soon-to-be-famous actors as Robert Redford, William Shatner, Burt Reynolds, Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper, Carol Burnett, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Peter Falk and Bill Mumy, as well as such established stars as silent-film giant Buster Keaton, Art Carney, Mickey Rooney, Ida Lupino and John Carradine.

An often worthy revival series ran on CBS from 1985-87, and in first-run syndication in 1988. Another recently ran on UPN, which reunited Bill Mumy and Cloris Leachman in a sequel to the classic TZ chiller "It's a Good Life." But it's the daring original series that shows every sign of lasting the ages as the literature that it is.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Some very talented friends of Shannon Lark


Now available on DVD from and!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess What movie this is from!

Go ahead take a stab at it test your movie knowledge...

Party1: Pretty little thing in her way, wasn't she?

Party 2: I hope her bones are firm.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Catch CRUD's song MEAT DETONATION (Bye Bye Bye Sucker/You Die Die Die Sucker!) on CBS' ELEVENTH HOUR this Thursday Night at 10 pm!

Eleventh Hour is reminiscent of the XFILES - you can learn more about the show here at:
You can read and exclusive interview with the Girls from CRUD at: WWW.CADAVERGIRLS.COM

Saturday, November 15, 2008



In the tradition of such real-life horror movies as 'The Exorcist' and 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose', THE HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT tells the astounding true story of one family's supernatural ordeal. When Sara and Peter Campbell's son Matt is diagnosed with cancer, they uproot their family to Connecticut for his treatment. As the family settles into their new home, Matt grows increasingly disturbed by paranormal activity that seems to inhabit and possess the house. At a loss to help her frightened family, his mother turns to an enigmatic priest who appears to rid the house of its ghosts-- until the boy's condition takes a sudden and unexplained turn for the worse and their lives are put in grave danger.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Antique medical library auction, November 20

Over at Morbid Anatomy, Joanna Ebenstein alerts us to the upcoming auction of the Medical & Science Library of Gerald I. Sugarman, MD. While the collection consists mostly of antique illustrated medical books, there are also some other unique objects on the block, including stethescopes, surgical saws, apothecary jars, and, of course, the requisite phrenology bust. The sale takes place on November 20 at PBA Galleries in San Francisco. "Medical & Science Library of Gerald I. Sugarman, MD" auction
You might find some great props for your upcoming project

Friday, November 7, 2008

This makes SAW and HOSTEL look like childs play!

As the banlieues of Paris burn due to riots protesting the election triumph of an extreme right-wing party, a group of youths use the chaos as cover for smash-and-grab robberies. For Yasmina (Karina Testa), the money is an escape from the slums she has known all her life. With the police on their tail, her gang splits up, planning to meet at an inn near the Luxembourg border. Arriving at their destination, they encounter their hosts, the Von Geisler clan, who seem to be stuck in time: a jackbooted patriarch, his savagely flirtatious daughters and his thuggish sons. Revealing themselves as neo-Nazi fanatics, they see Yasmina as a fresh bloodline for their fascistic fantasy of starting a new Aryan brotherhood. Her friends find themselves trapped in a grim abattoir as Yasmina fights against the Von Geisler's invitation to become 'one of the family' in their twisted Gothic household.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

HOUSE : The Movie

  • Running Time: 1 hr. 41 min.
  • Release Date: November 7, 2008
  • MPAA Rating: R for some violence and terror

Dracula's Daughter ! Ahhhhhhh!

OK we admit it! We love picking on Amy Winehouse, it's just soooo much fucking fun! Damn she looks like Dracula's Daughter in this pic!

Tell us what you think!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

ZOMBINA - NEW album out NOW!

Zombina and the Skeletones have been wrenching 100% pure rock n' roll genius from the very pits of their tortured, vampiric souls since 1998. As a live band they're the bloodiest and most funnest cult experience you can have short of sacrificing yourself to some goat headed deity in the woods on St. Swithens Night. On record they're the 'Beatles of Horror', with 'hit' packed albums such as "Taste the Blood of Zombina and the Skeletones", "Halloween Hollwerin''(sic), "Monsters On 45" and "Death Valley High" a must in any self-dissecting ghoul's collection...

Their newest, and MOST ROCKIN'EST CD will be here soon! It's called "Out Of The Crypt And Into Your Heart" and it's a bone-afied monsterpeice! Check out the sampler tracks on myspace... Dracula Blood! Puke It Up! Raised In Hell! They're classics already, but that's just scratchin' the surface. When this baby drops it's gonna be like somebody dropped an actual baby! Folks are gonna freak and try to get it banned just for ROCKIN' too much... but we're not gonna let the squares have their way are we, kids!? Wear your blood on the outside! Give love! Take revenge!


Friday, October 31, 2008

Miss Horrorfest Semi-Finals

Miss Horrorfest Semi-Finals

Ok Gals and Ghouls, we're not biased here at CadaverGirls but we must say we are rather impressed with "DEMONS" entry in the Miss Horrorfest contest!
From what we have seen Our lil DEMON stands the best chance in hell!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

CadaverGirls- Lil Miss Scare-All is a Singer!

Apparently one of our models "Lil Miss Scare-All is also a singer for the band SEXCOFFEE - Here she is singing "AUGUST"

U.K. Chef Gets 30 Years for Killing, Eating Gay Lover

Monday , October 20, 2008

A British chef who killed a man with a knife and cooked and ate his flesh was sentenced Monday to minimum of 30 years in prison.

Judge James Stewart said Anthony Morley, 36, showed no remorse for the killing of Damien Oldfield.

"Before this case I had associated cannibalism with eras long gone, with the tale of Robinson Crusoe. No longer," Stewart said. "You have plumbed depths rarely encountered in our court."

Morley attacked Oldfield, 33, during a night the pair spent together in April at Morley's home in the northern city of Leeds. Morley slit Oldfield's throat as he lay in his bed, stabbed him repeatedly and cooked some of his flesh.

Stewart rejected Morley's claim that he had been provoked when Oldfield unexpectedly initiated sexual contact after the pair watched "Brokeback Mountain," a film about two cowboys who try to conceal an affair. Morley claimed Oldfield's actions reawakened traumatic memories of childhood sex abuse and that he feared he was going to be raped.

After the attack, Morley walked into a nearby restaurant in a blood-spattered dressing gown, telling staff and police he had killed someone. In court, he claimed to have no memory of the attack or what he did with the body afterward.

The judge said the whole crime was "one of the most gruesome murders" he had ever encountered and called Morely a dangerous man who had yet to apologize for his crime. Morley hung his head as the sentence was read.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


A woman chopped the head off a man who allegedly tried to attack her and then paraded the head through a market in northern India, police said Friday.

Police arrested the woman late Thursday after receiving calls from frightened witnesses who reported a blood-soaked woman holding a severed head was walking through the village, said police officer Ram Bharose.

The woman, 35, told police she had gone to a nearby forest to cut grass for fodder for her cattle when a man attacked her from behind.

"In a bid to save her dignity she beheaded him with a sickle," Bharose said, adding that the woman had bite marks on her neck and cheek.

The woman also told police that the man had been harassing and stalking her for three months and she had no regrets about killing him, he said, adding that she would probably be charged with culpable homicide.

The incident took place in Makkapurva village, some 125 miles southeast of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state.

A Tribute to the Bride!

A Stunning Tribute to the First Lady of Horror!
click here

REPO the Genetic Opera!

Coming soon Nov 7th to select theaters
It's not just a Movie it's an Event!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sticky Situtation

The Great Boston Molasses Flood

On January 15, 1919, the workers and residents of Boston’s North End, mostly Irish and Italian, were out enjoying the noontime sun of an unseasonably warm day. Suddenly, with only a low rumble of warning, the huge cast-iron tank of the Purity Distilling Company burst open and a great wave of raw black molasses, two storeys high, poured down Commercial Street and oozed into the adjacent waterfront area. Neither pedestrians nor horse-drawn wagons could outrun it. Two million gallons of molasses, originally destined for rum, engulfed scores of people - 21 men, women and children died of drowning or suffocation, while another 150 were injured. Buildings crumbled, and an elevated train track collapsed. Those horses not completely swallowed up were so trapped in the goo they had to be shot by the police. Sightseers who came to see the chaos couldn’t help but walk in the molasses. On their way home they spread the sticky substance throughout the city. Boston smelled of molasses for a week, and the harbor ran brown until summer.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

4′33″ - Most Bizarre Concert Ever!

John Cage is one of the most forward thinking composers of the 20th century. This is a video of a performance of the piece of music that is probably his most famous. It is called 4′33″ (ie, four minutes and thirty-three seconds). The idea behind this piece is that we are constantly surrounded by music in every day life. Watch and Listen in Amazement.

Monday, October 6, 2008

10 Weirdest Diseases You’ve Never Heard Of

We're all familiar with various diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, and Alzheimers. However, there are other, less conventional diseases lurking around the world with stories begging to be told. Some of them have effects you may never have heard of, while others are new twists on familiar ailments. In this article, we will put 10 of the weirdest diseases in the world under the investigative microscope to see what we can uncover!

1) Congenital insensitivity to pain
There have been at least 100 documented cases in the United States of people who report the lack of painful sensations from things like pin pricks on their skin. The cause? A gene mutation that takes place in the synthesis of of a certain sodium channel involved with the neurons that control the reception and transmission of pain stimulus. While this disease might sound advantageous, think again! Those without pain sensations often die early deaths from simple injuries, things like small cuts that others would feel and bandage. By contrast, those with congenital insensitivity to pain cannot feel such things and can actually suffer significant blood loss because of them.

2) Moebius Syndrome

Each year, some 300 children in Europe are discovered to have Moebius Syndrome, a rare disease characterized by the lack of developed facial nerves and the subsequent loss of facial expressions. The cause is totally unknown to medical researchers, and the effects are serious. Those with Moebius Syndrome are often seen sleeping with their eyes open. They also cannot smile, frown, move their eyes in a lateral direction, or control their blinking. Naturlly, their speaking and swallowing abilities are also greatly impaired.

3) Ondine's Curse
Roughly 200-300 people around the world are afflicted with Ondine's Curse, which is Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome. Those afflicted with the Curse have a very difficult time taking in oxygen, which leads them to be very tired very often. In more severe cases, sleep literally means a certain death. They simply cannot take in oxygen while they are in an unconcious state and without the aid of a machine, they will die.

4) Elephantiasis (Grossly enlarged members
Elephantiasis (or lymphatic filariasis) is typified by people with grossly enlarged legs or arms. The cause? Parasitic worms like the Wuchereria bancrofti and B. timori that get transmitted by mosquitoes. Roughly 120 million people have some form of elephantiasis worldwide, and of them 40 million have it to a serious extent. The troubling aspect of this disease is that symptoms can take years to manifest even after the initial infection. This is because an infected female misquito can inject the worm larvae into a person's bloodstream, where they will reproduce and spread before becoming visible in the form of symptoms like enlarged arms, legs, breasts, and genitals.

5) Werewolf Syndrome
2 year old Abys DeJesus led doctors to conclude that she had "Human Werewolf Syndrome" when she grew patches of dark hair on her face. Very simply, the reason behind the name is that people who have it look very much like werewolves. Rumor has it that two brothers afflicted with the disease in Mexico were offered a part on the X-Files, but turned it down!

6) Pica (Urge to eat non-food substances)

Hard as it may be to believe, there is actually a rare disease known as Pica that creates the incredible urge to eat things other than food. Substances such as paper, clay, dirt, glue, and even lint have been reportedly eaten by those with Pica. Medical researchers have tenuously linked Pica with a mineral deficiency, but experts have yet to nail down a real, firm cause or cure for this strange disorder.

7) PrPSc
PrPSc evolves from a completely benign, harmless protein that sits outside of cell membranes called PrP. In rare instances, PrP can mutate into a shape called PrPSc whereas the protein will bundle into clumps. These clumps are the source of the problem, as they cause plaques in the brain that actually tear holes in the brain's grey matter. The end result is a brain that resembles a sponge and exhibits symptoms very similar to mad cow disease.

8) Necrotizing fasciitis (Flesh-eating bacteria)

Necrotizing fasciitis is a nasty strain of the more common Strep bacteria that causes Strep throat. Once inflicted, the strain feasts on the soft tissue found in the subcutaneous level of your skin. There, it kills all skin and flesh in its path, causing it to literally rot away. In extreme cases, necrotizing fasciitis can consume entire limbs or very large and visible patches of skin! Worst of all, it can enter the body through minory injuries like cuts and bruises.

9) Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Also known as Micropsia, Alice in Wonderland Syndrome causes victis to have a malfunction in how their brain processes visual data, despite the lack of any problem with their eyes. The result is that objects, other people, animals, and the like are percieved by the victim as being much smaller than they really are. Victims have reported looking at dogs and seeing them as the size of mice, or looking at people who are quite tall but seeing them as much shorter. The disease got its name from the fact that Lewis Carrol (the author of Alice in Wonderland) was believed to be afflicted with it.

10) Capgras Syndrome

Everyone has second thoughts about their relationship once in a while, but what if you thought your significant other was an imposter? That's exactly what happens to people who have Capgras Syndrome. Victims of this awful disease consistently report thinking that their loved ones or significant others are being impersonated by other people. In severe cases, this has resulted in the victim attacking who he thinks is the imposter, but is actually the relative or boyfriend/girlfriend in question. Some victims even second guess their own reflections in the mirror!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



How to play:
* Tap A to swing your blade, hold A to hold out your blade.

* You can cut down trees as well as juggle children by holding out your saw. How many times can you juggle a child?

* Cut down trees completely to look for gasoline.

* Get style points by doing fancy crap! (IE. Juggling in the air, then slicing them in half as they come back down)

Sunday, September 28, 2008



Inside out tee
Don't eat for a week
Bad Wig
Powdered sugar around your nose
AND YOU will be the SCARIEST thing on the BLOCK

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hot Zombies...Dead Sexy.

Living Dead Girlz 2008 Zombie Nation Tour... Zombies do have more fun!
The Living Dead Girlz, a zombie dance troupe based in San Francisco, are about to embark on a frenzy of eating Brains and dancing harder than the thriller video all over the USA!! Get ready folks, it's the Living Dead Girlz Zombie Nation Tour. For details, check out our myspace page!

Living Dead Girl
z MySpace Page!

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Make a Monster!

The Monster Makers Mask Makers Handbook (downloadable)
The Mask Makers Handbook teaches you step by step how to make your own custom Latex Rubber Masks. If you've ever wanted to learn exactly how these amazing masks are made, this in-depth manual is for you. The Mask Makers Handbook takes you from start to finish, through design, sculpture, molding, casting, and painting of a Super-Deluxe Latex Rubber Mask. Tons of tips and information about materials and techniques. A fantastic resource!

Packed with over 150 B/W photos and 25 color photos. This book is fully illustrated and includes a special color insert on mask painting.

Get the BOOK! -

Order your copy of the most informative book ever written on the subject of making latex rubber masks. Available exclusively from The Monster Makers.

The Mask Makers Handbook shows you exactly how to make your own masks with complete, easy-to-follow, step by step, photo illustrated instructions.

Also available as a softcover book.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Corpse Sellers Arrested in Cremation Murder Trade

Seven members of a Chinese gang in Puning, Guangdong province, have been arrested in connection with the murder of 100 disabled or elderly people whose corpses were sold for cremation to families who wanted to bury their loved ones, the South China Morning Post reported.

Mainland China outlawed the several-thousand-year-old burial tradition in the 1950s and enforced cremation to save on farmland, a move many blame for the rise in the black-market corpse for cremation trade.

Wealthy people who want to respect their loved ones by burying the bodies will buy corpses of murder victims to cremate, replacing their relatives' bodies, a police spokesman told the South China Morning Post. The family will later bury the real body according to traditional customs.

A Puning Public Security Bureau spokesman who declined to give his name told the South China Morning Post that the suspects are being interrogated and the case is still under investigation.

The suspects would reportedly trail victims, usually mentally disabled or elderly, drag them into vehicles in remote areas and either strangle or poison them.

Corpses would be sold for approximately $1,500 each and substituted for cremation.

Lowest Grossing Film

Grant is an accountant with a bad marriage and a daughter whom he loves. He takes to the road to service his accounts in Las Vegas. While there he meets seductive Marissa. They have a week-long affair which culminates in the arrival of Marissa's ex-boyfriend, Joey. Joey attempts to kill the lovers, but Grant gets the upper hand. Grant and Marissa then drive Joey's body to Zyzzyx Road and Grant buries Joey in the desert there. But in the morning the body is missing and something is trying to kill Grant and Marissa. In the DEATH OF A SALESMAN meets LOLITA ending, Zyzzyx Rd. reveals a shocking, tragic twist.

# Only opened in one theater (Highland Village Park Theater in Dallas, Texas) ran for six days, and amassed a final total of $20 (originally tallied as $30, but $10 was refunded to a member of the film's crew who paid to see the movie) in box office takings.

# The film's very limited release was a technical necessity to comply with Screen Actors Guild's regulations.

12 decapitated bodies

Mexican authorities found 12 decapitated bodies on the Yucatan Peninsula Thursday, but have yet to find the heads, AFP reported.

Photos of the crime scene showed 11 headless corpses stacked on top of one another in a field outside the city of Merida, the capital of Yucatan state. Some of the bodies had tattoos and were jumbled amid blankets and tarps. One was completely naked, while the others wore denim clothing, AFP reported.

A twelfth body was found in a town called Buctzotz, 45 miles northeast of Merida.

It appeared to be the largest single group of beheadings in recent years in Mexico. The tactic has become more frequent in gangland-style killings, and the largest previous instance of decapitations occurred in 2006, when gunmen tossed five human heads into a bar in central Mexico.

"We believe that the 12 executions were an isolated incident and not part of a strategy to destabilize the state," Yucatan state prosecutor Jose Guzman told reporters.

The federal attorney general's office confirmed there were 12 dead and it was taking over the investigation — a move that usually indicates a case involves high-caliber weapons or drug trafficking, both federal offenses.

Merida had largely been spared the drug-gang violence afflicting many other Mexican cities.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Horror food stories you don't want to hear about!


It's frequently on the news: the horrific things food manufacturers do to the food in China. List them here - - The "man" roast pork bun where the actual meat is human meat! - Coating cement on ducks, so that when the cement dries, they can pull off duck hairs with ease - Spraying bug spray on dried salty fish so that bugs would stay away from them.

Soy sauce made from hair (yes, hair on our heads!). - Chinese sausage made with pork, mouse meat, and red coloring. - Moon cake filled with last year's lotus filling and yolks.

Other Stories!

You know those really soft, comfy silk comforters that they make in China? Recently a manufacturer was discovered stuffing the comforters with USED pads. They got caught when customers saw blood started seeping through the comforter's lining. The manufacturers were collecting these used pads from public restrooms.

The restaurants in China never provide napkins/tissues, so the customers have to bring along their own paper napkins/tissues. Apparently some paper napkin manufacturers in China are "recycling" used toilet paper and using them for manufacturing "new" paper napkins. YUCK!! That's why I was given the advice of buying Western brand paper tissues or napkins only. Or bring your own from your own country. The usual giveaway is the rather nasty smell when you open the packet.

Messin with Sasquatch ?

The thawing process was sped up and the exposed head was found to be "unusually hollow in one small section." An hour of thawing later and the feet were exposed - and they were found to be made of rubber.
Matt Whitton, an officer who has been on medical leave from the Clayton County Police Department, and Rick Dyer, a former Georgia corrections officer, announced the find in early July on YouTube videos and a Web site.
"Everyone who has talked down to us is going to eat their words," Whitton said at the time.
Phone calls to Whitton and Dyer went unreturned on Tuesday. But the voicemail recording for their Bigfoot Tip Line - which proclaims they search for leprechauns and the Loch Ness monster - has been updated and announcing they're also in search of "big cats and dinosaurs. If you see any of those, give us a call."
On Tuesday, Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner said he has not spoken to Whitton but processed paperwork to fire him.
"Once he perpetrated a fraud, that goes into his credibility and integrity," Turner said. "He has violated the duty of a police officer."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Puerto Rico corpse kept upright for 3-day wake

A Puerto Rican man has been granted his wish to remain standing — even in death.
A funeral home used a special embalming treatment to keep the corpse of 24-year-old Angel Pantoja Medina standing upright for his three-day wake.
Dressed in a Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses, Pantoja was mourned by relatives while propped upright in his mother's living room.
His brother Carlos told the El Nuevo Dia newspaper the victim had long said he wanted to be upright for his own wake: "He wanted to be happy, standing."
The owner of the Marin Funeral Home, Damaris Marin, told The Associated Press the mother asked him to fulfill her dead son's last wish.
Pantoja was found dead Friday underneath a bridge in San Juan and buried Monday. Police are investigating.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yesterday's Answer: Marie Davaillaud

Some people collect stamps; others postcards. She collected insurance policies on her friends, colleagues and employees. One employee in particular, Harry Wright, a slow witted handyman had been taken under Her wing when his mother died at her request. Mrs Wright also entrusted his inheritance; a few thousand dollars and the family home to her care. It did not take her long to work her way through Harry's fortune and after his house mysteriously burnt down and the insurance money was spent, Harry's usefullness was rapidly waning. She was convicted of second degree murder and served thirteen years of a life sentence. She was not so lucky; she was executed in the electric chair at New York's Sing Sing Prison on 27 June 1935. Her last words were "goodbye darlings" to the weeping matrons who had accompanied her on the last mile.Who am I?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday's Answer: Helene Jegado

in France, she is remembered as the "Queen of Poisoners ," with thirteen victims charged against her name. She is a legend in the district -- for her crimes, and for the way in which she managed, finally, to cheat the executioner. Who am I?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Who am I?

Friday's Answer: Gertrude Baniszewski (Criminal) - Sylvia Likens (Victim)

Born in Brittany, France, in 1803, She once complained, "Wherever I go, people died." Sure they did. Because she enjoyed poisoning them. As a teenager, as she started her career as a domestic, she also started experimenting with poison. Eventually she wiped out the family of seven for whom she was working. Most of her subsequent employers suffered the same fate. Curiously, no one suspected her of any wrongdoing because of her pious demeanor. Who am I?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Who am I?

Yesterday's Answer: John List

On Oct. 26, 1965, Indianapolis police were called to a rundown house on East New York Street where they found the body of 16-year-old on a bare mattress in an upstairs bedroom. Only one adult resident of the house, she told investigators she had been caring for the 16yr old while her parents were out of town -- and that the teenager had been attacked by a gang of boys.
But a coroner's examination would show that she had been systematically beaten and malnourished for weeks. Her body was covered with sores, burns and bruises. She had been branded, and the words "I am a prostitute" were etched on her stomach.
Although her injuries were horrific, the most shocking fact about the case was that the torture had gone on so long and had involved so many neighborhood children, who had joined in on the "punishing" of her. Neighbors had heard strange noises and visitors to the home had seen at least some of her injuries. Who am I and Who was my killer?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Who am I?

Yesterday's Answer: Anita Cobby

He abandoned his car at the airport and left town intending never to return. Back in his mansion in Westfield, N.J., a phonograph played church music over and over for those he'd left behind. He had just murdered his entire family.
Who am I?

Who am I?

Yesterday's answer: Pauline Yvonne Parker and Juliet Hulme

A former beauty queen and nurse, was killed by a gang of spineless cowards who preyed on women and other people's property between prison terms. Between the five of the them they had over 50 convictions for offenses including larceny, illegal drug use, car theft, breaking and entering, armed robbery, escaping lawful custody, receiving stolen goods, assault and rape. Her murder united the public in outrage, with many Australians calling for a reinstatement of the death penalty. Who am I?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who am I?

Answer to yesterday's "Who am I?" :
Mary Bell

Today's Who am I?
Teenagers' bond of friendship was so strong, they committed murder when they were threatened with separation. After 50 years, this classic case is still an obsession.

For just a moment, a thick silence oozed onto the packed dirt path that cut through the undergrowth of the steep Port Hills at Cashmere. It seeped into the ground and welled up again, lapping at the body of the 45-year-old woman who lay there, her skull crushed by a half brick wrapped in an old stocking. It rose in a torrent, swallowing the two blood spattered young girls who stood there

Monday, August 4, 2008

Who am I?

New Feature "Who am I?"
Can you guess who I am? let us know!

Who could look at the face of this sweet 10-year-old girl and ever imagine her to be one of the youngest serial killers ever discovered. Was this youngster who killed her playmates without any feelings of guilt the result of a monstrous family or a bad seed or something else?

visit tomorrow for the answer of today's "who am I?"


Those of you that have been longtime fans will notice our first default pic was faken from this movie!

Friday, July 25, 2008


We thought this Bolg was So funny we had to post it for your enjoyment.
Ah, the truth is always stranger than fiction, and the latest um, "marital aid" (?) out on the market is a real head scratcher:

Against the rather uncomfortable backdrop of women stooping to get controversial vaginal reconstruction surgeries, well, you know how beauty companies scrambled to produce Botox in a bottle products? Looks like the billion dollar sex industry has stepped up to the plate with tightening in a jar in the form of Liquid Virgin.

Sorry, but I can't deliver a review since I haven't personally road tested this creepy sounding new product, but I do know that according to the ad, it will give you a "tight, wet feeling everytime!" for about 15 minutes or so at least.

Question is (you know, besides all the other obvious ones), what the heck is in this stuff, and are there any long term studies about its effects on a woman's nether regions? Turns out, one of the key ingredients is potassium alum, most often used in deodorant. Curious. Of course, I have to wonder if another hazard is that this stuff causes sexually transmittable temporary penile shrinkage as well? Yikes.... LOL

Now that would just be plain embarrassing.Like I said, sooooo many questions. If you have tried this, would you please for the love of god leave a comment? Or if you just want to vent here (does Liquid Virgin make you angry, sad, depressed, bewildered, etc?), be my guest.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Six Diseases You Don’t Want

1) Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
To answer your question, yes, your pee does smell like maple syrup. Other symptoms include lethargy, coma, avoiding food, and mental retardation. If left untreated, this disease can kill you and would make for an embarrassing obituary … Jeremy White, loving father, son, husband, lost his brave battle against Maple Syrup Urine Disease.

This disease is a metabolism disorder that makes the body incapable of breaking down particular proteins. Studies conducted since 1979 (Georgia) show that MSUD affects approximately 1 in every 120,000 live births and occurs in all ethnic groups worldwide. It’s genetic, so if your baby has pee that smells like it could be poured over waffles, get that baby to the hospital—stat!

2) Exploding Head Syndrome
I’m sure many of you get the same mental image I do when reading the name of this disease. It’s actually not that funny of a disease, but I couldn’t resist that name. Well, it’s kinda funny … the sufferer of Exploding Head Syndrome experiences a sudden loud noise in his head, either right before falling asleep or in the middle of sleep. It’s like an explosion (or cymbal crash) in your brain, but there’s no pain involved and no one else hears it (that’s got to be a lonely feeling).

A report by a British physician in 1988 might be the first description of exploding head syndrome. The good news is that doctors emphasize its benign nature—yeah, it’s traumatizing and can feel like a stroke, but it won’t really hurt you. Don’t get too stressed out—anxiety might trigger it, as can extreme fatigue. Also, women get it more than men, especially when they’re being bitchy. (Okay, I made that last part up.)

3) Jumping Frenchmen of Maine Disorder
This oddly named disease occurs due to a genetic mutation that prevents “exciting” signals in the nervous system from being regulated. It was first discovered in 1878 in a French-Canadian lumberjack population in the Moosehead Lake area of Maine.

A person with this disorder will startle easily and have an exaggerated response to the stimulus; for example, the person might “jump,” cry out, flail his limbs, twitch, or convulse. Another bonus to this disorder is that the patient has an automatic reflex to obey any order as soon as it’s delivered. If you told a sufferer to hit his brother, he would do so without hesitation. Additionally, he will verbally repeat the command over and over again while wailing on his brother … must hit brother, must hit brother, must hit brother …

One theory about the cause of this disorder is that it was a result of inbreeding. So, like, stop doing your sister. Jeez.

4) Fatal Familial Insomnia (Die Because I Can’t Sleep Disease)
The main symptom of this disease is the inability to sleep, though we’re not talking about a few sleepless nights. This is a complete inability to sleep that results in death. Other symptoms are loss of coordination, high blood pressure, excessive sweating, and coma. The disease does not show symptoms until patients are middle-aged. The best part is that your mind never deteriorates, so you’re perfectly aware of the fact that you’re dying until that coma kicks in. Good times!

FFI is one of a handful of prion-mediated diseases; prions are proteinaceous infectious particles lacking nucleic acid. Prions break all the rules regarding biological life forms and set up camp in the brain, causing holes to form, which speeds up dementia and death. Another prion-mediated disease is Mad Cow. But don’t worry, FFI has occurred in only twenty-eight families worldwide. Just don’t be born to one of those twenty-eight families or you will die.

5) Koro Syndrome (Shrinking Penis Syndrome)
Koro is just your garden-variety genital retraction syndrome, i.e. the pathological fear that your genitals are shrinking into the body. Literally, it means that a guy fears his unit will be sucked into his body, resulting in death. There are no documented cases of actual penis shrinkage, though some sufferers hurt themselves frantically trying to stretch the penis. Treatment is informing patients that penile retraction is impossible.

GRS is similar to a panic attack, with sexual elaborations. In a culture with high sexual anxiety, a man could panic at the normal shrinkage due to cold or anxiety. Just don’t live anywhere but in the Western Hemisphere; it mostly occurs in Asia and Africa. Also, avoid witchcraft, sexual relations with prostitutes, masturbation, and food poisoning—I know it’s hard, but use some self control.

6) ABCD Disease (Easy As 1-2-3)
ABCD Syndrome is the acronym for albinism, black lock, cell migration disorder of the neurocytes of the gut, and sensorineural deafness. In other words, a person with this disease is a deaf albino with a lock of black hair who suffers from intestinal abnormalities—that’s quite the combination. Does it make anyone else think of Marilyn Manson?

ABCD Disease is extremely rare; there are only about 200,000 cases in the U.S. Just try not to be born to a parent who has a homozygous nonsense mutation in exon 3 (R201X) of the EDNRB gene … oh, and gargle with salt water.

They say that people have a higher likelihood of beating a serious disease if they laugh, so go ahead and get it out—you never know when you might be stricken with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. (Yes, it’s real, look it up!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Leatherface's Bubba Burger

Leatherface's Bubba Burger

Human flesh is good and all, but Ol' Leatherface loves a good burger once and awhile. Here's his recipe.

You'll need:

A frying pan
A spatula
Ballpark beef hotdogs (or whatever dogs you like)
Hamburger meat
Hotdog rolls or hamburger buns
Ketchup or Mustard (or both)

How to make it:

First, spread margarine across frying pan.
Then turn the stove on Medium heat.
Place the frying pan on the stove.
Take as many hotdog's as you desire and place them into frying pan.
Cook hotdog till fully done.
you may also cut the dogs in half then place hamburger around and cook.
Place cooked hotdog on plate.
Take out the fresh hamburger meat and wrap it around the cooked hot dog(s).
Place back in frying pan.
Cook hamburger till fully done.
Remove the burger dog from frying pan and insert into hotdog roll or hamburger bun.
Add ketchup or mustard (or both)
This can be done on the grill also!

Put Texas Chainsaw Massacre into the DVD player and enjoy that Bubba Burger.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Man of a Thousand Faces

Man of a Thousand Faces on DVD June 24

"Don't step on it; it might be Lon Chaney!" - popular saying in the 1920s

James Cagney stars as the great film star and genius makeup artist Lon Chaney in Man of a Thousand Faces. Man of a Thousand Faces traces the life of this talented screen legend, famous for playing such iconic roles as Erik in The Phantom of the Opera, Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and many other unique and fascinating characters. Man of a Thousand Faces will be available from Universal Studios Home Entertainment on June 24!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Photogrpher added!

Come Check out our Photography Spotlight our most recent addition "SHAYL"


Sunday, June 8, 2008



Swing by and check out all the items marked down in every category!

Hurry and get what you want before it's all gone!

Friday, June 6, 2008


Lionsgate and VH1 is looking for actresses who aren't afraid to scream! (and who probably might have to take their tops off!)
The cable network has green-lighted Scream Queens, a series that will gather 10 unknown actresses to compete for a "major" role in a horror movie from Lionsgate. The contestants will compete in challenges and be schooled by acting coach John Homa. Their skills and progress will be judged by an unidentified director from Lionsgate's roster. [This could mean members of the 'boy's club' like Eli Roth (Cabin Fever, Hostel 1 & 2), Darren Lynn Bousman (Saw 2-900), Tai West (Cabin Fever 2), James Wan (Saw), OR there is a remote chance that a woman could direct it, like Lexi Alexander (Punisher: Warzone)] Now, if they are going to be in a bad horror movie from Lionsgate, why they need "acting lessons" is beyond me. As far as I am concerned, the best acting lesson ever is to make a bad movie and then watch yourself in it. That will teach you what not to do. Trust me.
VH1 has purchased eight sixty-minute episodes of Scream Queens. The series is set to premiere in the fall.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Quote of the Day!

I don't believe in evil, I believe only in horror. In nature there is no evil, only an abundance of horror: the plagues and the blights and the ants and the maggots.
Author: Isak Dinesen

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Love means never having to say you're ugly."
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

Wendy, darling, light-of-my-life. I said I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in, I'm gonna bash em' right the fuck in."

Jack Nicolson - The Shining

Monday, May 26, 2008

Quote of the Day

“The horror of wedlock, the most appalling, the most loathsome of all the bonds humankind has devised for its own discomfort and degradation.”

Marquis De Sade

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quote of theDay

One might say that the true subject of
the horror genre is the struggle for
recognition of all that our civilization
represses and oppresses.

Robin Wood

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Quote of the Day + out-takes

"I put a special hamper in the bathroom for your shirts. The other one is just for socks and poo-poo undies" - Young Frankenstein, Madaline Kahn to the Monster.


Quote of the Day

"It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder."

Mickey and Maollory - Natural Born Killers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cadavergirls Cover Ghoul makes it big!

Cadavergirls Cover ghoul makes it big!
As featured in the "Not the Premier Issue" of CadaverGirls Magazine
Our Own Shannon Lark!
Visit our Store and get your Copy!
Hurry quatities are limited...

May 8: FANGORIA Spooksmodel named

The winner of our first-ever FANGORIA Spooksmodel contest was announced at our recent West Coast Weekend of Horrors. On the stage of the main ballroom at the Los Angeles Convention Center, eight beautiful, frightening females answered questions, modeled a pose or two and performed a one-minute routine before a panel of judges consisting of Ken Foree, John Gulager and Tony Timpone. Only one ghoulish girl could walk away triumphant, and that chainsaw-wielding winner was Shannon Lark (pictured).

Lark has already gotten her hands bloody on numerous past projects: She's the CEO of The Chainsaw Mafia, a horror production company specializing in film and splatter theater that also serves as a free networking tool for other artists; she's part of the female dance troupe Living Dead Girlz; and she raps in a three-person group called Aural Fixation. A director and actress, she's devoted to helping other artists get off the ground, and according to her website, she's interested in meeting "other artists, especially women who direct, manage, act, shoot, and produce horror films and theater. I love people. I love working with people." As our new Spooksmodel, Lark will appear at all of Fango's Weekend of Horror conventions in 2008-2009, bloody up the pages of the magazine and take part in a Coffin Case photo shoot. —Christina Romito

Qoute of the Day

Civilization is hideously fragile [and] there's not much between us and the horrors underneath, just about a coat of varnish. Author: C. P. Snow

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quote of the Day

There is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Horror Today /Yesterday

OK there is definitely a problem in Horror movies lately, no imagination, remakes, sequels and NO suspense! Saw had a great story line! But yes like many others these days they went to graphics in order to draw in their audience. We are a very vision oriented society these days. A Little numb in the head as I say, meaning not much affects us anymore, we lack imagination! Not much bothers us.

In 1931 When Frankenstein first appeared in theaters there was a nurse on hand in case anyone fainted. This cinematic masterpiece tapped into the psyche of the audience's moral fear, could man create life? Was is possible? at the time you would have to figure it scared the shit out of people! Then the follow up Frankenstein's "The Bride of Frankenstein" is billed as a Horror movie but if you really watch it, You will find that it is a Love story! and one of the Best sequels ever made to this day! The girl who played Mary Shelley in the movie also played the Monster's Mate! This was cinematic history! a Sequel, dual roles and a success to boot!

Now remember when you saw the first "Alien" Movie?, all you saw was the gleaming teeth of the Alien, with the drool acid slime. You the Creature lurking in the shadows most of the movie.

Another Good Movie was "The Bad Seed" hell you want to kill this girl yourself! She is such an evil lil bitch! You have to see the original uncut version to truly appreciate it.

Interestingly enough before they were billed as slasher films the Halloween series was born. One of the reasons Halloween was so popular it was a new approach, the first two were the the best, nice segue into the second one, and it kept the original plot, simple, Yes! Micheal Myers never said anything you never knew where he was coming from, or what it took to kill him! The music score was genius! The remake, although well done, falls short.

Movies today showcase allot of gore! Nothing wrong with gore but we need a story, a plot, not some great looking actor or actress that gets spliced up! Something Fresh!
I must slay these days most people root for the Killer! We are a twisted society, actually we used to worse! You don't believe it! Do a research on "google" for Renaissance medieval torture devices, we now are more civil than our predecessors.
People in the old days complained when there were multiple hangings, they found it difficult to concentrate on everyone at the same time. They went back to one at a time! Real crowd pleaser.