Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My First Night with Fulci

Ahh, Italy. The land of fine wine, absurdly strong coffee and a film director with a serious fetish for eyeball gouging.
Lucio Fulci, for those of you who are unaware, as I once was, is the madman responsible for some of the most tasteless, and yet most satisfying gore films ever to splatter the silver screen. Until recently, I was one of the ignorant masses, with only the brief knowledge that a Fulci film was a film to be reckoned with. But a dear friend and Fulci aficionado quenched my curiosity with a double feature that blew the blood right out of the bucket for this so-called horror fan.
First Round: Zombi, or, Zombi 2 as it is also know. Seen at first as a Night of the Living Dead rip off, anyone who has studied the grisly black and white classic would immediately see that Fulci's stands on it's own. It's a technicolor bloodbath, 1970's style. The plot, while not admittedly groundbreaking, does feature some amusing tropical island zombies, who are the victim of one mad scientists anecdote gone wrong scenario, but it's Fulci's handiwork and some impressive, though crude special effects that steal the show. 
And the eyeballs. Fulci is obsessed with the eyes. On a philosophical level we all know the eyes are the window to the soul, so when Fulci films in brutal detail a vicious eyeball impalement, we can only put two and two together and conclude that Fulci is a seriously messed up dude. 
Round Two:Beyond. The story of a young New Yorker who inherits a New Orleans hotel, which turns out to be a portal to hell. She is haunted by ghosts and apparitions, and yes, more zombies until, despite her best efforts otherwise, ends up in the vast wasteland of the underworld. Again, not an earth shattering premise, but Fulci's filming is the true story.  The wide angle shot of our heroine's first encounter with her first ghost on a boardwalk is truly haunting, and incredibly beautiful in it's stillness and writhes with menacing implications. Of course, more eye gouging ensues, this time by a pack of bloodthirsty zombie spiders in a scene that made yours truly cringe and giggle with disdain and delight. 
The special effects, while clearly dated in all their Super 8 glory are still sublimely executed, and get this, all the zombie makeup and flesh eating effects were made with simple paper mache. In an age of CGI and heavy latex, Fulci's withering flesh pulp and syrupy blood splatter was incredibly refreshing.
Fulci's career has spanned the better part of the last 40 years, but Zombi and Beyond are certainly high points in a storied history. Like so many before him, Fulci's fame has largely remained  underground, but like the flesh starved undead in his films, have a habit of          slowly rising to the surface, searching for fresh meat to bite into. If you know what's good for you, you'll be the next victim. 



We are currently looking for a select few people who are serious about their writing.
we will be soon changing some of the formatting, and are looking for someone we can trust and is entertaining. Frequent post are a plus, you can write about most anything, there are no deadlines and or assignments, it is essentially an open
pallet. The only restrictions are that there be no nudity(photos) posted on the blog, and the content try to be in the horror genre,or anything weird, humorous, demented or disgusting. Movies, music (understandably music does have a broad spectrum)directors, makeup artist, books, reviews

Let us know if this is to your interest, this will not be a paying job.
Corpsella also does NOT retain any copyrights to your work, your work is
your work, we do reserve the right to reproduce and or edit in any written
or digital publication.

Please contact us
email : corpsellasays@yahoo.com

Serious inquires only and if you can provide a sample or two of your work that would be great.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Peanut Butter? Where's the Jelly?

Slain Long Island teacher Leah Walsh's allegedly homicidal husband slathered peanut butter on her body before dumping her in a ditch in the hope that wild animals would get rid of the evidence, sources told The Post.

The heinous revelation comes as waitress Donna Lepore, 24, admitted she had an affair with Walsh's husband, William Walsh.

When Leah's naked body was discovered Oct. 29, say Nassau County law-enforcement and medical-examiner sources, she was slathered in peanut butter.

The grisly method of disposal was only partially effective, said sources. The corpse was found by a worker from the North Hills Country Club in a wooded area about 50 feet from the westbound Long Island Expressway.

Detectives are looking into whether accused killer William had help in preparing the body for disposal and dumping it, a source said.

Cops say William, 29, confessed to strangling his wife during a 3 a.m. fight Oct. 26 over his infidelities. He dumped her body, set things up to appear like she had been abducted, and made emotional pleas for her return, investigators said.

Lepore, a steakhouse waitress, says she had an affair with William but broke things off a year ago.

"Just because I had a past with him doesn't mean I know anything," she told The Post.