Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012

Audio Crack :
noun: a song (or songs) that is so addictive and catchy that you have listen to it a million times...
What am I talking about???
Sometimes I don't even know! but this time I do! I know It's rare..
This is what I'm talking about:CRUD
One of the best bands to come out of Detroit in years, these guys continue to amaze me.
I first stumbled upon CRUD CD DEVIL AT THE WHEEL featured fiendishly addictive tracks - Reality, Murder is Fun, Devil at the Wheel and Do Ya Wanna touch...
Now my Musically starved little fiends come wrap yourself around their latest incarnation "CRUD on Monster Island" this release is nothing short of genius, and I outta know I'm short! Go now to NOW!
STOP Listening to the Radio! Your CD Player / MP3 player / Iphone and record player (YES these guys are on vinyl) will love you again!
Go now to NOW! You can thank me later!